Below are answers to some of our most common questions.
We serve residents of Derry and surrounding towns. We have never turned anyone away who was hungry or without food.
Bring a photo ID with your current address, or a photo ID plus a piece of mail with your current address.
No, you do not need to call ahead. Please stop by during our open hours with a photo ID with your current address, or a photo ID plus a piece of mail with your current address. Anyone is welcome to visit the pantry 2 times per month.
Every Tuesday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Anyone is welcome 2 times per month.
We provide basic household items like canned soups and vegetables, other non-perishables, pasta, bread, and juice. When available, we also provide eggs and meat.
Our new location has ground-floor access with no steps. If you have other mobility restrictions, please call us or let one of our volunteers know.
We receive direct food donations and contributions from community members. We also receive some assistance from the USDA and the NH Food Bank. Click here to learn more about our supporters.
To donate food, click here. To make a monetary contribution, please click here.